Nexsure® Release (07-26-19)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to add attachments to Journal Entries
- Added a feature that will keep the user on the same page after opening and closing a delivery on the Client Delivery screen
- eDocs download certification for Auto Owners
- Updated the Acord 130 FL Workers Compensation form to the 2019/07 version
Resolved Issues
- Searching by Department in the Transactions section of a People Recon would return results from all Departments. The filter has been corrected to return the proper results
- Searching by Units in the Transactions section of a People Recon would return results from all Units. The filter has been corrected to return the proper results
- Disbursement tab now shows a checkbox for cleared items. Previously it would show "--"
- Corrected an issue in which duplicate Retail Agent payment information was causing duplicates on the Cash Disbursements Register report
- Corrected an issue in which attachments may not be seen on certain clients due to special characters in the policy number
- Attachment is now included on the email sent for portal activation. Previously the attachment added to the Delivery Template was not being sent
- Corrected an issue with Renewal / Activity Note download Actions. Previously they would default to Open even though the Action was set to Closed in Action Setup. The Action should now follow the rules on the Action Setup screen
- Pennies can now be saved on the Acord 301 Premium fields. Previously it would save only the dollar amount
- Corrected an issue in which the Acord 175 would say "See Overflow" but the Overflow form would be empty
- Corrected an issue in which changes on the Acord 152 were not populating the Acord 175
- Corrected and issue in which changes to the ACORD 401 and 404 were not populating ACORD 175 and the Populate Button would not dim
- Corrected an issue in which a user inactivated in a branch was still able to see the branch in the Branch drop down in reports
- Changed the sort order on the Carrier Remittance Advice report to show in Client, Policy Number, Invoice Number, Premiums, Fees and Taxes order
- Previously Organization Reports rights were needed to see the Assignment Audit - Policy report. This has been corrected so that only Policy Report rights are needed